New Time | New Place | New Book

NEW TIME | 10am
NEW PLACE | Citizens Church (SW corner of 7th St and T-Bird behind Starbucks)
NEW BOOK | Nehemiah

As a young church family, we have been praying for our next longer term space in this part of North Phoenix.

God has answered our prayers! We have a new space to use for our church family for at least the next 12 months.

Citizens Church is a wonderful church in a great location on the southwest corner of 7th and Thunderbird. Recently their church leadership changed their gathering to Sunday evening instead of the morning, and they reached out and asked if we would be open to renting their space for Sunday mornings and a few midweek days.

Their pastor, Ben Forsberg, is a friend of mine and a very kingdom-minded leader.  We talked about what it could look like for our church to move into their space, and we are thrilled about working alongside each other to reach this area with the gospel.

I am excited that as a church we will now get to gather in a space that is set up for church gatherings (worship space, lobby, kids ministry rooms, etc.). I am excited we get to utilize a time, 10am, that will make it easy for us to invite any of our friends and neighbors in the area. And I am excited that we will have more space for discipleship to happen in and through our church.

Also, that first Sunday in June is the start of a new series in the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah is all about the people of God coming out of their most difficult season. They look around and they begin praying and working side-by-side to rebuild their land, so that God’s name can be known.

That is what we will do. We will look around as we come out of one the most difficult and strange seasons any of us have ever experienced. And we will pray and work side by side as the people of God to make Jesus known in this part of our city.

It’s going to be a sweet summer together.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at .

- Josh


5 ways to get ready for Nehemiah