How do i start reading the bible

We have an agenda for the people at our church. We want people’s lives transformed by the person and work of Jesus. A key element of this is knowing who He is through his special revelation: The Scriptures. Our specific agenda regarding the Scriptures is that people at our church would be in their Bible every day. To make that tangible, here are the few questions you need to answer to have a plan of
daily Bible engagement:

When + Where

  1. What time of the day will I read Scripture?

    a. Morning, Midday, or Evening? What Specific Time of the day?

  2. Where will I read Scripture each day?


  1. What Bible reading plan will I commit to?

    a. If you need a Bible reading plan you can choose one from this list

  2. Is there anyone that I will do this plan with?


  1. What form of Scripture reading will I engage in each day?

    a. If you need some guidance on what to do when you actually begin reading your Bible you can
    this tool to pick a way to read each day.

  2. Are there any additional resources I need for my time?

    a. If you need any additional resources (books, commentaries, guides, etc.) you can use this list to
    help you.

  3. What protective practices do I need? (Note: Putting Distraction away // Setting a reminder on your phone // having someone keep me accountable // etc.)


What is a daily prayer that you can pray each day as you enter your time in Scripture?

If these questions were helpful and you would like to use the worksheet version of this you can
find that here.


Some Simple Practices when Reading Scripture


What is scripture