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LOCAL: House of Refuge Spring Cooking Service dates

Help House of Refuge with their cooking needs by providing a meal to the Women and Children's side or the Men's side for one of the following dates below. This is a great way to serve your local community with your family, friends or RC! Someone from our LOCAL team will contact you after signing up to discuss the details. We will be with you every step of the way!

Women's Side dates: Every Second Tuesday (01/14, 02/11, 03,11, 04/08, 05/13)

Men's Side dates: Every Second Wednesday (01/15, 02/12, 03/12, 04/09, 05/14)


When & Where

Tuesdays + Wednesdays | Various dates


Email Alayna

January 12

4 Year Anniverary

January 19

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