Do you want help with prayer in 2024?

This past Sunday we walked through the Lord’s Prayer and Jesus simple instruction to “pray like this…”

Here are the 4 steps we mentioned this past Sunday to help us pray more this year.

1.     Memorize the Lord’s Prayer.

Pray then like this:

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

(Matthew 6:9–13, ESV)

2.     Personalize the Lord’s Prayer.

Once you have it memorized, use it as a template for how to pray and pray it in your own words.

Father, you are the only one worth giving my life to.

This world is a mess. Jesus, please bring your rule and your peace to broken places around me.

Provide for me what I need and provide for those around me who are struggling.

Forgive me for me lack awareness of my own sin.  

Help me to forgive people that I won’t let off the hook.

Keep me from the traps of pursuing a life of comfort and ease.

Let me see the devil’s temptations and help me to walk the narrow path. Amen. 

3.     Read one book on prayer in 2024.

Here are my top 3 favorite books. Pick one of these or ANY book that helps you with your prayer life.

4.     Pray.

Begin to use the Lord’s prayer or your personalized version of the Lord’s prayer throughout the day.

Some examples.

  • Driving kids to school – pray over your kids privately in your head using this.

  • Golfing with friends – pray it before you tee off as you consider your friends’ lives.

  • Dinner time – pray it as a family with each member reading a line.  

  • Before your first meeting of the day - pray it as a way to kick of your day with the kingdom of God on your mind.

  • Before a text or phone call - pray it before a conversation where you need the kingdom of God (Jesus’ reign and the Spirit’s leading).

Jesus, teach us to pray!


Series overview: in phoenix as it is in heaven


Advent 2022